28 July 2006

ceramic motifs

you can take inspiration from the past with these vintage swedish and finnish motifs that are online via japan at scandinavia stock .


  1. hmm, this link doesnt seem to be working. i will sort it out tonight
    after work as i know i have the address saved at home in my favourites.

  2. Anonymous10:27 am

    I'm loving these - especially the tall thin leaves in red.

  3. Anonymous1:00 pm

    I have to say – I recently discovered your blog and I am beyond smitten – every post is lust-worthy and utterly inspiring – like these tea cups – I feel my heart racing as new ideas unfold - thank you so – you are my newest daily read!

  4. Anonymous4:07 am

    this is the best blog ever! one of my favorite sites forsure, a daily must.

  5. Anonymous1:37 pm

    I love all of them! Scandinavian patterns are so full of beauty and culture.

  6. Anonymous1:05 pm

    I just can't get enough of these patterns, the bold graphic flower is beautiful. Thanks for showing it!

  7. Anonymous7:04 am

    Thank you for your wonderful blog! I so much enjoy all the beautiful pictures of various patterns. Please don't forget to mention that some of these designs are Finnish, in fact! Like the largest picture; Maija Isola is a famous Marimekko fabric designer and the cups are Arabia's design - Finnish as well. (I'm Finnish and live in Finland, hence this remark ;) -jaana

  8. Anonymous6:23 am

    are some of these Turi Gramstad-Oliver designs? they are great...every is great on your blog.
