18 January 2007

IPOD designs

i heard about gelaskins through great blog another shade of grey and loved this design called lollipops by dodeskaden.


  1. Thanks for the mention bowie. Dodeskaden and Frenchy Style are my favorites. Am I correct in that you are a graphic designer? If so, I'm thinking, by your taste shown via this website, you should submit a design for the Gelaskin crew.

  2. hello, im a surface pattern designer currently working in textile design - but as you can see i like the graphic style of patterns.
    its a good idea by gelaskins to ask for submissions from designers (anyone interested should visit their site).
    p.s i really enjoyed reading through your blog.

  3. Oh! Cool. Would love to see some of your work sometime. Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you visited.

  4. Anonymous10:03 pm

    Bowie why dont you show any of your own work ? why only show other peoples talent and not your own? you obviously have an eye for good design so lets see some of yours. I am a Surface pattern designer also working for the contract industry. Its great what you do, but how do you still find time to design as well?

  5. Anonymous6:44 pm

    you've been tagged! now you have to post 6 wierd thingss about yourself for the world to see, and then tag 6 people. have fun!


    jess gonacha

  6. im an anonymous blogger so if i show my work i cant credit it properly or people will know who i am. one day i want to have a seperate blog for my work - but as you point out its finding the time.
    till then im happy just sharing my research with you all.

  7. aww you should be proud to show your work Bowie and relate it to who you are - dont hide away - recognition for your work and findings is a bonus!

    Love these iPod designs btw. Very funky 'in' colours!
