12 April 2007

DESIGNER - lotta kuhlhorn

there's a scandinavian flavour to all of todays posts and to start us off : lots of things have happened over at lotta kuhlhorn's website since we last reported on her back in may 06. gorgeous new eye candy from the brilliant stockholm based graphic designer includes tile patterns, book covers, and trays.


  1. Anonymous1:50 pm

    Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing! It's all fabulous but I've been dreaming of tiles like those for my home; hurrah!

  2. Ooooo, I love those beets!

  3. Hey!

    I absolutely adore your blog! you give out so much inspiration, thank you!

    All the best to you!
    Sofie BN

  4. LOVE your post of lotta kuhlhorn images!
    i'm a major fan of hers + yours!

  5. WOW! I will totally blame you for my new found loves of these prints!

    Is it that unrealistic to aspire to travel the world simply in search of acquiring all the great prints in all their great formats!? I want to do "that when I grow up". FUN! Or design them AND collect (or is the word hoard?) them. ;)


  6. swoon... loooove her patterns!

  7. Anonymous8:49 pm

    Oh I love Lotta Kühlhorn, she's definetely one of my favourites!

