24 July 2007

GLASSWARE - shinzi katoh

i really enjoyed looking at these new glass designs from japanese zakka artist shinzi katoh. new readers should check out our previous shinzi pictures.


  1. Wow. I’m a collector of glass. This is beautiful!

  2. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Yay, I'll soon be stocking these beauties and if you think they're cool just wait until you see some of the other stuff - wow!
    Sorry to seem like a shameless pimp, I really am a Shinzi fan and couldn't help myself when i saw all these pretty pix pop up :D

  3. I adore these as well. I tried to order them as a baby gift, but I couldn't figure out how to order to the US. Does anyone know if they ship/sell here?

  4. I love all of these!

  5. I am a fiend for short glassware. Even more if there are Japanese illustrations on them! These are going to haunt my dreams.
