29 November 2007

ACCESSORIES - butterfly blue

these gorgeous patterns are on belt buckles designed and produced by butterfly blue. made using glazed imagery on copper or antique silver bases, they are easily interchangeable onto brown or black belts. justine will be launching the full collection at the top drawer exhibition in january, where she will also introduce a rectangular design. regular readers may remember justine's beautiful pendants featured here last july. contact butterfly blue to find out more.


  1. so if a person fell in love with one of these buckles and wanted to purchase one, would we be able to do this before christmas?

  2. oh my. Those are beau-ti-ful!

  3. Hi - glad you like the buckles - they are available to purchase immediately! If you email me at justine@butterfly-blue.co.uk I can email you the full range of prints. If you choose quickly I can ensure to deliver before Christmas..
    Many thanks for the interest!
