21 December 2007

BOOK - graphics alive

another couple of books today to help you spend your christmas vouchers or book tokens. starting with 'graphics alive' - this book shows surface and pattern design in use on bags, walls, cars, ipod skins, etc. very contemporary and suitable for just about anyone involved in design. see it here on amazon usa, but at the time of writing only in the marketplace on amazon uk.


  1. lovely pictures + always improving!
    happy holidays + happy new year bowie :)

    pssst.... your template has shifted + the side bar stuff is along the top + bottom, with lots of white space above the posts.

  2. hi modmom - thanks.

    thats odd, it looks fine for me and totally as per usual.
    but its funny you should say that because for the last few weeks thats what ive been seeing over at decor8 - but as holly and her readers never mentioned it i thought it must just be me.
    then today i visited decor8 and it was back to its usual lovely self.

    is anyone else seeing print & pattern all wrong ?
    let me know if you have the time.

  3. Hi Bowie ;D I love that book, looks fab, anything wrong with your blog it's fine, the template it's ok, thanks for your stuff!!!
    Merry christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  4. Great book! I picked one up when I was at Colette in Paris last fall.

    Happy holidays!


  5. Anonymous5:02 pm

    Great book! I picked it up for 10 dollars on clearance at urban outfitters!!
