29 August 2008

JAPANESE - left road

i cant remember exactly which sites i got these images from except that they are all japanese and the designs are by a company called 'left road'. so although i cant give specifics of where you could buy these i still thought it was well worth sharing as i love the folk look, and robots - well what can you say they're so popular just now. one site they were on was pickle.


  1. Anonymous2:28 pm

    I'm loving the folk style trend at the moment.

    Have you come across this blog by the way- http://aprintaday.blogspot.com

  2. Anonymous5:31 pm

    This self proclaimed design goddess loves reading your blog! Will be checking backing often!

  3. Anonymous2:33 am

    I love the simplicity and color combos. Folky / Roboty is a nice mashup.
