05 September 2008

FABRICS - kokka

ive noticed how a lot of the fabrics ive been admiring lately on etsy and P+P were all by the same company kokka. based in osaka japan, they are distributors for a wide range of designers including etsuko furuya. there is a great amount of kokka to be found on etsy, or you can see these fabrics in online stores including purl soho, j caroline creative, volksfaden, and repro depot.


  1. I love those white trees with black flowers.
    Stunning fabrics, I am kind of obsessed with fabric at the mo - I need to make some new cushions.
    Thanks for the post

  2. Anonymous2:26 pm

    Those russian dolls sure do get around...love the simplicity of these prints.

  3. Anonymous2:33 pm

    always enjoy coming to your site... such inspiring designs... thanks :)

  4. Love their large flower print and trees with black flowers... well, actually, I love them all! These japanese designers... They sure know adorable when they see it:)
