27 February 2009

PRINT & PATTERN - for sew hip magazine

good news for pattern fans and fabric lovers, print & pattern can now be found in the UK magazine ''sew hip". my column will feature different fabric related topics each month, and the first one is out now - focusing on lovely tote bags. if you havent come across the magazine before its a look at the trendier side of fabrics and sewing, and covers topics such as etsy, and japanese crafts. you can subscribe via paypal here, even if you live outside of the UK.
if you would like to submit your creations, products, and designs for consideration to be featured on the P+P pages in sew hip magazine then you can drop me an email. there are only three things to consider, you must be able to provide high res 300dpi print quality images, your products must be available in the UK (or sent here at a reasonable shipping rate) and of course they should be fabric related in some way. look out for sew hip in wh smiths and newsagents.
above the P+P current feature in sew hip, below : sew hip features fabric prints and even has free paper patterns included.


  1. Haven't got this issue yet. Must go get it.

  2. hi bowie -
    congrats on the "sew hip" column! looks right up my ally... i'll have to subscribe! :)

  3. It's nice you've got a collumn, congrats, I've read all 5 issues that they have done, and at present their patterns/ instructions are a bit off in places, yet they don't put errata up on thier website. So if you make something from their patterns be careful and maybe do a test run first? They have a flickr group and it's worth asking people who've posted the things they have made how it went! I've yet to find someone say the pattern and instructions was perfect.
