31 March 2009

MARIMEKKO - by sanna annukka

im still on my working break putting together the final book layout and design - but i just couldnt wait until next week to post up these images. i heard from sanna annukka a while ago that she was working for marimekko, but this is the first chance ive had to check out the results. sanna who studied at brighton university and is based in the UK is half finnish so working with marimekko seems like the perfect match. sanna shot to fame a few years ago with her stunning artwork for the keane album 'under the iron sea'. scroll down to enjoy her beautiful patterns for marimekko, most of which i found here at finnish gifts. see you on monday the 6th april for an easter design special.


  1. These are realy stunning! I can see why you couldn't wait to post :)

  2. Just gorgeous.

  3. Freakin awesome work!!!

  4. oh I love these! Perfect for Spring.

  5. these prints are bold and fun! i like the ethnic spin they have to them.

  6. Woowwww...I love sanna annukka!!!!!

  7. Simply gorgeous patterns!
    Love it! Can eat it with a spoon!

  8. These are gorgeous! Love them!

  9. i love this post. i am especially cruishing on the black and white.

  10. one of the great patterns designers of our time
    love what she do...for Marimekko

  11. i wish there was somewhere UK to purchase these gorgeous things, have been scouring the web! wonder when they'll trickle into the design stores that stock marimekko round my way...?

  12. the classic designs of Marimekko continue with these, they are brillliant and indicative of Marimekko style.

  13. I absolutely love these and would be prepared to do quite a lot to get my hands on one of those mugs...

  14. ooh i love these!! such awesome designs..

  15. Lovely designs! And gorgeous colours!

    I'm sure you get lots of these but I've passed a blog award onto you! If you do fancy picking it up pop to todays post on my blog :)

    Hope the books coming along nicely and have a good weekend.

  16. Sabah Designs12:19 pm

    Absolutely stunnung designs, with such an amazing colour pallette

  17. I love these designs! They are awesome! My wife will eat them up! Thanks

    Jack O'Sullivan
    Bedroom Sets
