30 April 2009

PAPERCHASE - latest products

ive been visiting my favourite shop paperchase, and was excited to see this teapot and teacups set featuring a lovely sketchy seedhead and flower design. i also thought that the gift box that it comes in is just as beautiful as the set itself. also new in were embroidered books - featuring familiar paperchase patterns but this time in cloth and stitch, and a brilliant new small softback photo album (shown here in hearts and fawn). scroll down for lots of paperchase delights. online here in the uk or in borders in the usa.


  1. Nice!! and loading really fast too! lovely work, I am not that brave to take photos in shops.

  2. Lovely new designs! I may have to pay a visit when I am in London tomorrow!

  3. These are gorgeous. I love paperchase - always spend way too much money in there. I really like the embroidered notebooks and the cakes are cool too.

  4. I'm liking the Paperchase seedhead designs very much.

  5. Stunning design! love the flower seedheads & the top

  6. wowza i don't know if i've ever seen embroidered notebooks in paperchase before there beautiful!
    i was wondering is the cake print just in gift-wrap or were there any other products? ^_^

  7. hi mockle - i havent seen these kind of embroidered patterns on notebooks in paperchase before. but the quality is amazing.

    i only saw the cakes on wrapping paper but im sure it will appear on more products througout the season. i will keep a look out !

  8. Anonymous2:45 pm

    Oooh! So exciting to see two of my designs used by Paperchase! I feel very honored. Thank you so much for posting these pics!

  9. Anonymous3:06 pm

    Could you tell me which Paperchase you went to.. I'm based in New York and would love to have a friend in London pick up the products that they printed of mine

  10. hi anon - would love to know which designs are yours : )

    i usually visit the best and biggest store on tottenham court road, london, as they stock everything. its huge.
    i would recommend your friend go there.
    but some of these pics were taken (whilst i was on easter holidays) in salisbury, wiltshire. they have a lovely sparkling new branch that hasnt been there long.

  11. I love paperchase products...it seems like you can only purchase them if you live in the UK. Do they also sell in the US...if so where can you buy them? I love their OWL line.

  12. hi becky,

    in the usa you can find paperchase concessions in branches of "borders" books.

  13. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Bowie Style- I did the birds and mushroom design and the birds in tree design.
    Am going to Border's later to see if they are carrying them yet!

  14. oh wow,
    i especially liked your birds in the tree design which was printed on a polyprop cover for a mid year diary.
    very lovely !

  15. Anonymous7:39 pm

    Bowie Style- Thanks! I am very flattered. You have a superlative eye for design!

  16. wow....love those teacups!!!!

  17. oh, i LOVE the seed pod print! how great!

  18. paperchase never fail at luring me in with their paper goods :)
