22 February 2010


some of you might have noticed a problem with archiving on print & pattern today, or the first thing that probably strikes you is the lack of posts on the main page.
on feb 18th blogger imposed 'auto pagination' onto all of its blogs. basically this automatically cut the number of posts that can be displayed on one page. now this is fine for those who use layouts - but for people like me who started in 2007 who are on classic templates, it just doesnt work as you now have no way of getting to my older posts that drop off the front page. im furious with blogger for imposing the restriction, but as those of you with blogs will know there is no way to contact them and complain. since the auto pagination took place when you click on a month from the archives only a few posts will appear - not the whole series. obviously this is annoying for everyone and im now trying to figure out how to solve it. if anyone has any suggestions feel free to post here. i will try and get a html designer expert to take a look and see if i can repair blogger's damage in any way - or if blogger continue to pull the rug from under me i will consider shifting over to typepad. please bear with me whilst we work through this techno crisis. it might take a few days so massive apologies.


  1. I noticed that couple of days ago, but didn't realize it's blogger auto pagination. That's awful!!!... I hope they realize that can be a reason for bloggers to leave the blogger platform like you are considering. Please, keep up posted.

  2. I wondered what was going on! I hope they sort it out quickly. It'd be too much for my brain to cope with figuring it all out! Is there not a way of transferring to the layouts way of doing things...oh I don't know what I'm talking about really! Good luck x

  3. Oh please pick someone other than typepad! I have a terrible time trying to bring them up for some reason. I miss so many good blogs because they're on typepad :(

  4. I recently switched my blog over to the new widget format, and it wasn't too hard to figure out. It was kind of annoying and time-consuming, but I got it done.

  5. Anonymous6:39 pm

    I have found Wordpress.com fine so far but I haven't been blogging long. Apart from a couple of nights ago when it went down for nearly 2 hours ( I guess nowhere is perfect). My hubby who is way more technical than I am recommended it as the best one to use for what its worth!

  6. i must admit it had me in a spin last night trying to figure it all out.
    i spent all evening on the blogger help forum trying to get answers
    and today i see a lot of people seem to be complaining about bloggers new enforced restriction.

    kimberj - typepad would be a last resort - so dont worry.

    if i were switch to layouts just like that then i will lose my third column for sponsors so im going to try and build a new three column blog in layouts and copy over all the old archives.

  7. I love your site. I'll follow whatever format you choose, but I am just curious about the problems Kimberj mentioned with Typepad. I have had my blog with Typepad for two years now. I love it. It's simple to use and the support team is phenomenal. You can have three columns with Typepad also. There are many layouts to choose from. Anyway, no one has ever told me they had a hard a time bringing it up as Kimberj mentions. Would love to hear feedback on that if you could share. Thanks! Good luck.
    Joyce Shelton

  8. Might be worth asking Vio;let Posy - she runs a blog design business and is super techy. Good luck!

  9. Typepad is a bad choice if you get pissed because of auto-pagination. I haven't found a way to get all posts on one page. Though, when I think of it, haven't found the way in Wordpress either... and I'm a Wordpress blogger.

    But boho on Blogger for doin' this. Now I can't flip fast through previous posts on newly found blogs (I used to load like 1500 posts in one page, just to flip through them really fast).

    Seems to me like they haven't thought it through. If one can't get to and read all posts on a blog, whats the point of having a blog...?

    Hope we get to find a work around soon!

  10. it looks as though there will be no help from blogger to sort this out - they are imposing a limit
    on all blogs without any concessions to those whose archives have been wrecked.

    im working hard to sort this out
    so thank you for bearing with me during the crisis.

  11. Why not just buy your own domain and set up your own Wordpress blog. (Not through Wordpress.com.) Many hosts (like hostgator.com, which is what i use) allow Wordpress blogs to be set up within minutes.

    Then you can hire someone to transfer your posts to the new blog. Try Rentacoder.

    This way you never have to be concerned about tech changes. You'll have total control over the look and feel of your blog forever.

  12. I love your site, but I do wish you would publish your feed with images…

    Your posts are so frequent it is so difficult to keep up.

    Keep up the awesome blog!

  13. im hoping a working rss feed will be available once i upgrade to the more modern blogger.

  14. I second noodle - would love to be able to read your blog in bloglines.

  15. PS - To publish your feed with images go to 'Settings' and then 'Site Feed' and change 'Allow Blog Feeds' to 'Full' = Lots of happy readers!
