15 February 2010


print & pattern have teamed up with 'sock it to me' an american company based in portland, oregon to run our first ever design competition (or 'contest' as they say in the USA). we are looking for great designs suitable to go onto socks. you can think of any patterns and motifs you fancy, but keep it to flat colour, and enter them as jpegs or psd files (150dpi). just download the required template from here. the winner will get their socks put into production and win $500 plus 10 pairs of socks, and 2nd prize will recieve $100 & 5 pairs of socks, and 3rd $50 & 3 pairs of socks. you can submit up to 5 designs and email them to : design@sockittomesocks.com. there are a full set of rules and terms at the bottom of the post. as you scroll down check out some of sock it to me's existing artwork, and check out their website here to see what designs they already sell. entries can be from the UK, USA, or anywhere in the world.
the closing date is 26th feb, for launching the winning socks in june.
full competition terms and details from sock it to me

No more than five entries per person. Designs must be the artist’s original creation and shall not be copies or duplicated from previously published art. The design is limited to a maximum of five colours. All colours must be flat and solid, with no shading, blending or half-tones. Simple is good. Patterns are good. Check out our website for designs that have worked in the past. The designs must fill the template provided. Sock It To Me reserves the right to alter the design if necessary. Sock It To Me will not assume liability for any damage, loss or theft of any entry. Submit name and email along with design. We prefer jpegs or psd , 150 dpi is fine and 8 X 11.5 inches. Artists don't need to specify colours used, we'll do that. But if imagery is on an unusual place like the back of the calf (like on the Sparrows design above) then the artist should notate that out. submissions should not already be used by another company. finally if it so happened that 2nd and 3rd, or maybe even more enrtries go into production, designers will be rewarded $200 instead.


  1. What a fun contest! There are lots of possiblities with this one :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous2:37 am

    I entered some designs...yay! thanks for sharing this contest.

  4. excitin contest!!! :)

  5. Yay! I entered 5 designs. Thanks for posting this! Good luck to everyone!

  6. i submitted a design too ^^ waiting to see the result soon~

  7. Anonymous11:49 pm

    Oh no just missed the deadline but I'm hoping to go into the next one!!! On their website they say they review the designs all the time, I hope so : (
