29 July 2010

PAPERCHASE/HEAL'S - donna wilson

earlier this month i went to two press shows, one at paperchase and one at heals, and there was one designer's name that came up at both of them - donna wilson. paperchase will be stocking donna's meg & mog dolls and plates as part of their autumn winter collection.
just up the road at heal's press show was a lovely selection of donna's ceramic and textile products, including owl shaped cushions and a special heal's cat inspired by their 1920's mascot.


  1. Gorgeous collection. i love the characters.

  2. Love Donna's plates! Great collection overall:)

  3. Love those owl pillows!

  4. I love Donna Wilson and am so happy to see her stuff getting out there more! Those ceramic dogs are just awesome.

  5. so excited! cant wait
