11 November 2011


before my computer meltdown i had been planning to showcase a couple of lovely halloween items, but as it turned out i was unable to get online for the whole week and totally missed the even. so i thought i would show something else by the girls at "we love to illustrate" and the paper designers at "happy thought". first up are cushion covers by belinda strong, cally johnson-isaacs, julissa mora, and nina seven who are part of blogging collective 'we love to illustrate' where for a fun project they all decided to open envelop shops.
below are a selection of items from papercraft designers 'happy thought' who have a brand new website available to browse here.


  1. thanks so much for showcasing our group! the pillows look fantastic on your site.

  2. Anonymous4:54 am

    Hey, well done, might mention you in a post.
    It's mainly about fashion but will be doing a piece about fashion houses too. The animal cushions are what I want my readers to be interested in so thanks

  3. I absolutely love your site and I am thrilled that you featured our pillows on your site. Thank you, thank you, thank you! xo :D

  4. Anonymous1:12 am

    I want one of the pillows at the top, there so cool. really good blog, thanks for sharing.
    check mine out if you have the time its new but its getting going.
