08 November 2011

STORESNAPS - tate modern shop

having no computer last week did allow me time to visit the tate modern in london where i was pleased to spot a new range in the gift shop. the new tate souvenir line has been designed by the excellent maria holmer dahlgren and featured tea towels, an apron, tray, tote, mugs, coasters, and a notebook. also available online.
i also love this wrapping paper (below) on sale in the tate modern designed by lab partners.


  1. I love the Tate products! They're truly fabulous!!

  2. The lab partner paper is so great!!! Love it!

  3. Lovely tate!! We need more tates around the world!! XD

  4. Oh I love the blue one with the cat, you can buy it also in the Nobrow shop at Great Eastern Street. It´s so cute.
