30 April 2013


rachel taylor from the e-course 'the art and business of surface design' has sent me over a selection of work from the most recent students to complete module 3. the colourful flowers above and below are by antonella del vecchio.
below : lovely losely drawn blooms by trina esquivelzeta who can be reached via email here: trina.esquivelzeta@btopenworld.com.
below : two delicate and detailed bird prints from charlotte duffy.

below : two graphic prints from sam osborne. email samosborne@gmail.com

 below : quirky designs in muted colours from jessica wilde.

below : two designs from lesley todd one featuring stylish flowers and the other novelty luggage labels.

below : detailed designs by jan sheppard of patternmuse. the first is based on abstract buildings and was made from doodles on cut up paper.

below : potential wallpaper  design by mi jung lee. email : mijung@frontier.com
below : a fabulous co-ordinated collection called 'new york to paris' by laura wooten.


  1. I like the blooms by trina esquivelzeta. Although everyone here looks really talented. I have just 3 weeks left of my textiles degree!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring our work! The course was a fantastic learning experience, and filled with such lovely people and great designers!

  3. Thank you April, I'm so pleased you liked it.
    Thank you very much Bowie for the feature, I've bet lots of fantastic designers and made so many friends.

    Trina Esquivelzeta

  4. Wow ladies your work is looking so good! Congrats on getting a mention on the lovely Print and Pattern blog... Ah one day my time will come... ;o)

  5. Thanks for the opportunity to be featured on your blog! Always been a keen follower so really thrilled to have my work on here :)
