20 February 2014

DESIGNER - brittany zeller-holland

Brittany Zeller-Holland is a a mid-western girl passionate about patterns, winter weather and travel. working under her moniker - Two if by Sea Studios Brittany has created a host of collections that will be available for licensing and she is always looking for new freelance opportunities and relationships in the stationery, craft, home decor, tech and fabric industries. Brittany will be exhibiting solo at Surtex NY in May for the first time, and if you like her style visit her new website at Two if by Sea Studios.


  1. Thank you so much for the feature! It's thrilling to be featured on this blog, I've been a follower for years and years, honored to be amongst so much pattern talent!

  2. Anonymous10:59 pm

    I adore the titles of your collections (and the content)!
