15 September 2015

BOOKS - aino-maija metsola

Whilst visiting the Magma bookshop in London a few weeks ago I came across some fab children's books by designer Aino-Maija Metsola. Aino-Maija is a best known for her work with Marimekko with whom she has collaborated since 2006. Published by Wide Eyed Editions there are currently two titles available in the series : 'Counting' and 'Colours' with more in pipeline for next year. The illustrations are typical of Aino-Maija's bold colourful work and are designed to make learning fun for toddlers as they count the objects and animals from 1 to 10, or point out things to see and say and find an odd colour out on every page. Available in bookshops or here on Amazon UK or Amazon USA.

Coming next year from Aino-Maija Metsola : puzzle books....

I first saw the Aino-Maija Metsola books in Magma Books in London...

and this lead me to wonder what else was published by Wide Eyed Editions as I spotted 'One Thousand Things' by Anna Kovesces...