07 June 2018

DESIGNER - lynn priestley

Lynn Priestley is an Australian designer based in Brisbane. She discovered her love for surface design after completing Make It In Design’s Summer School in 2016. Totally hooked, Lynn went on to complete all the MIID modules and just recently completed Bonnie Christine’s Surface Pattern Design Immersion Course.  Lynn has spent many years nursing newborns to adults and is strongly drawn to designing beautiful florals and colourful characters for little ones. Inspired by nature, Lynn is her happiest when designing and is hoping to eventually transition to a full time career in surface design and illustration. She is actively seeking licensing and collaboration opportunities. You can find more of her work online here.


  1. Thank you so much for this ! The link to my site is misbehaving - so here it is here... https://www.lynnpriestleydesign.com/

  2. Hi Lynn, Mark Nahuysen pointed me towards this site and I've taken a look at your website. Your work is beautiful. I love your fabrics plus your illustrations. Well done and congratulations on being recognised. Louise
