15 January 2019

ONLINE COURSE - elizabeth silver

Here is some news about an online design course from Elizabeth Silver starting on January 18th. Elizabeth says finding ways to profit from your design work can be an uphill battle in an increasingly crowded Surface Pattern Design market. In her course 'Earning with Design Studios', students will explore an often over-looked option for artists - selling work through design studios. After working 10 years as a designer for big home decor and apparel brands and buying hundreds of prints through studios, Elizabeth joined the freelance world in 2012 and saw that industry from the other side as she worked for two different studios. In this course, she shares her unique perspective of this niche and shows students how studios can be an amazing opportunity for new and experienced designers alike.

This course gives you a solid understanding of the basics of how studios work, weighs the pros and cons of designing for studios and provides an honest examination of the financial end. 'Earning with Design Studios' teaches you everything you need to know to prep your portfolio and craft pitch emails with confidence and provides you the motivation you need to hit send!

The course is self-paced and includes over 2.5 hours of video, PDF's and assignments. It launches on January 18th and is available for a pre-order discounted rate of $60 USD until Friday. After January 18th, P&P readers can get $5 off the full price of $75 by subscribing to Elizabeth's monthly trend update for a promo code. You can sign up here.

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