23 December 2019

CHRISTMAS 2019 - coco gigi design

It's the final day for the Print & Pattern Blog in 2019, and we break up for the holidays. And This year I wanted to go out in style, Luckily Gina Maldonado of Coco Gigi Designs is creating a fabulous colourful advent calendar featuring lots of cute animals, birds and flowers. Gina is busy putting a lot of time into her You Tube channel and showcasing her design process. I'll be back on 13th January with a revived and refreshed blog! Merry Christmas to everyone. See you in 2020!


  1. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Pretty, but what do some of these have to do with Christmas?!

  2. Hi Anon,

    It's just that they were created as an advent calendar with a new design posted each day until Christmas.
