02 July 2020

NEW WORK - laura silveira

Laura Silveira Designer for Hire freelance available
Lock down has afforded illustrator Laura Silveira, a period of portfolio reflection and experimentation, and she also says "puppy training!". Her website has been updated with a breadth of new food and lifestyle illustrations. She has also added an online shop which she hopes to open over the coming weeks.
Laura says that like many other creatives have surely found, the lockdown has forced her out of routines that involved the same approach to staple work every day. After many weeks of new routines around family life, she has found the hunger to be creative and get inky fingers! Having smaller windows of opportunity has given Laura the incentive to try new and old ideas that she'd previously put aside. It's been a joy to see new techniques and thumbnails through to conclusion without any pressure on an end goal other than to enjoy the process. Head over to www.laurasilveira.co.uk to view her full portfolio and Instagram for shop updates, giveaways, new work and puppy stories!!
Laura Silveira also has a new range of card designs called 'Abuzz' created for Wuzci.

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