28 May 2008

BOOK - kawaii not

these are the illustrations of meghan murphy author of kawaii not, a great little book published by how. the theme is to take the cute japanese art of kawaii and make it go bad. i bought the book in urban outfitters a few weeks ago, and what attracted me to it wasnt the fact that they've gone bad, but just that i love to look at objects with smiley faces on. the book features over 100 illustrated strips and in true japanese style some kawaii stickers too. see it here on amazon uk or amazon usa. if you want to know more check out meghan's latest daily ventures into 'kawaii not' here.


  1. How adorable are these characters! I totally want one! Mixed up tape:) ha ha:) Love the personality on the objects. thanks for showing:)

  2. Oh my I love cute graphics and witty writing!
