28 May 2008

STATIONERY - galison

ive been following up websites on the things i bought in nyc the other week. remember the floral file tote i bought in crane & co ? well it was by top stationery company galison and it turns out they have a whole range of prints to choose from on notebooks, files, cards etc. i recognised the super cute bird design at the top from anthropologie. see their website for the full range of patterns.


  1. Anonymous1:16 pm

    These surface designs are gorgeous! I love the balance between graphic and organic. Great find!

  2. I recognize that camp diary its illustration is by my old college roomate Janell Genovese! She is rep by Lilla Rogers. Glad to see you liked it she has some really cute illustrations!!!

  3. You have a lovely website! I can't wait to check out the galison website - they have fantastic stationery.

  4. Beautiful designs! Especially the diaries at the bottom of the post.


  5. thanks ellen,
    i'll have to check out janell's work.

  6. Anonymous6:47 pm

    The set of prints, 3rd from the bottom (of the notebook on the left and the cards with pale green backgrounds) were designed by a company called Carr+Lamb Designs. It's a great surface pattern design company that I've been working for.

  7. Pretty and fun. :)
