i love these fantastic patterns for wallpaper from tampa based designer given campbell.given has just signed a licensing deal with studio printworks, and has plans for more patterned products to come.
its supercute overload at tottemo, a superb little website for sweet illustrations and products. i found it through yesterdays featured designer shoko sugiyama, who through her label popover has collaborated with tottemo. for an explanation in english about the tottemo concept click here.
todays posts are all featuring the stunning work of japanese designer shoko sugiyama. because of the language barrier i dont know too much about this young lady, except that she is fabulously talented and i love all her work ! visit her website here at popover.
today is wear it pink day here in the UK, everyone is wearing something pink in order to raise awareness for breast cancer and raise cash to search for a cure. so in celebration everything on print & pattern today is PINK. above vintage stamp from ciel post, badges from sudio mik mik, and fabric from amy butler. below cushion from mozi designs.
above top luscious lampshades from miss print, and misc pattern from flickr, below pink pattern from ray fenwick. above top, cushions from clarissa hulse (left) and calver wilson (right)
then illustrations from lucy jane bachelor (left) and clare nicolson (right) all from not on the high street. below wallpaper from twenty2.