im still on my working break putting together the final book layout and design - but i just couldnt wait until next week to post up these images. i heard from sanna annukka a while ago that she was working for marimekko, but this is the first chance ive had to check out the results. sanna who studied at brighton university and is based in the UK is half finnish so working with marimekko seems like the perfect match. sanna shot to fame a few years ago with her stunning artwork for the keane album 'under the iron sea'. scroll down to enjoy her beautiful patterns for marimekko, most of which i found here at finnish gifts. see you on monday the 6th april for an easter design special.
here are another set of pictures that i couldnt resist posting. they are of beautiful limited edition journals collaborated by the freshlyblended press and lara cameron. they arrived in my inbox this afternoon and looked so lovely - plus they are bound to sell out quick and may not be still around when i get back next week. see them here on etsy.
caroline gardner recently advertised on P+P for some new designers. they've filled two of the vacancies but still require a designer to work in their studio in barnes, sw london. follow the link here for more details and the address to contact if you are interested.
sadly there will be no print & pattern next week, or maybe the odd post if i can fit it in. the reason being that the first layouts of the print & pattern book have come through. the publishers have asked me to check all the text, webs, emails, etc and make sure they are all ok, and they've also asked for more text to be added. so i will really need to dedicate all my time to it and concentrate. apologies to everyone who checks P+P, but i will be back the week after with lots of new things. hope to see you all back here on 6th april.
today im posting shots of some of the latest designs spotted in paperchase. there are some new colourways of exisiting designs, plus lots of new goodies, and a new range of mid year diaries coming in for 09/10. a particular fave of mine was the lolly floral design above so im hoping this print will appear on more items.