im still continuing my look at japanese design, and today im focusing on fabrics. starting off with these lovely prints from japanese site shugale . the design above is by shinzi katoh, and below fairytale fabric, with gorgeous decole at the bottom.if you are looking to buy japanese fabrics then see the following posts for a list of where to shop online.
and so we start our 'where to buy japanese fabrics online' guide with this cute mushroom design from the lovely superbuzzywho specialise in japanese cute .
zee homebug reminded me about nuno, and thank goodness they did because this website and all the prints on it are to die for. plus they ship all over the world.
the last two petit pattern books, that i needed to complete my collection have finally arrived in the post. the two i was missing were 'simple & natural' ( featured above) and 'pop & modern' (below). both are really great, and im so thrilled to have the entire set. all are available from now, and i have listed them in my amazon pattern store. for those of you new to petit pattern they are super cute little pattern books from tokyo and you can check out my earlier reviews of other titles in the series here.
ive been putting together a little list of where to buy japanese cute, and one store i really enjoy browsing is spiralling. here you can buy lots of lovely decole pieces all set off with beautiful photography. the owner of the shop velda is also on flickr with lots more lovely drool worthy pics under the name glumpire. also see the spiralling blog here for more background info.
below in the next post ive listed some websites where you can buy online, either in the UK or the USA. of course is another great international source, with many japanese sellers offering to send goodies abroad and you'll get the prices in either dollars,euros, pounds, etc depending where you are in the world. finally dont forget etsy, try typing in words like zakka, kawaii, and japanese whilst browsing on etsy to see what you can find.
i absolutely LOVE the work of m patrizio. these are her own brilliant designs, influenced by her love of japanese cute, and they are all available from her etsy shop. shes also very active on flickr and keeps an interesting and extremely cute blog too.