ive been visiting my favourite shop paperchase, and was excited to see this teapot and teacups set featuring a lovely sketchy seedhead and flower design. i also thought that the gift box that it comes in is just as beautiful as the set itself. also new in were embroidered books - featuring familiar paperchase patterns but this time in cloth and stitch, and a brilliant new small softback photo album (shown here in hearts and fawn). scroll down for lots of paperchase delights. online here in the uk or in borders in the usa.
also this month paperchase stores announced the arrival of the 'space oddities' (perhaps named after the david bowie song ?). its a cute stationery line for boys in the tradition of monstarz and mini mutants. see more from the 'spacers' online here.
ive recieved a flurry of emails from brazil recently from various different designers, one of which was arte por metro(art per metre) whose designs were developed by designer flávia taiar. the girls from brazil are now printing them digitally onto fabrics for use in decoration.
bronwyn landvatter is a recent graduate from moore college of art and design in philadelphia, with a BFA in textile design, and a passion for surface and print designs of all kinds. bronwyn is very excited to have created a website and is now actively seeking full-time employment, and is available to do freelance and custom work as well.
uk freelance textile designer natasha connell recently took 6 months out to renovate a property and is now looking to get back into working with a fresh start. she is currently building a website but you can get in touch with her via email. natasha works on both fashion and home prints, and you can see from her beautiful works here she has a great talent for sophisticated florals. email tashconnell@hotmail.com