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today im looking at the work of top japanese designer - shinzi katoh. shinzi is one of the worlds best known zakka designers, and it seems as though there are few products he cannnot turn his hand to. there are ceramics, bags, glasses, towels, fabrics, and more. for those unfamilar with the term 'zakka', its often difficult to put into english, but it means all the 'small, various products used in everyday life', which encompasses household goods, daily necessities and sundries.lately, zakka has come to represent a style of art and craft that is simple, charming, and of Japanese esthetic. shinzi has his own website here at pumpkin family.

the new next directory has arrived, remember the cool floral design of the spring/summer book here ?well the autumn/winter cover has gone for leaves (above).its quite a dark design using a gradient effect.the cover of this catalogue is a good barometer of graphic design trends.(pictured right is the co-ordinating box they send it out in.)