ebay express have put their backing behind young british designers with their 'exclusives' range of specially commissioned homewares. there are 10 items by five designers available online. the first is a designer familiar to us here on print & pattern, the talented leanne rostron from freckle designs. these stunning black & white 'kimono' plates are £12.00 for small & £20 for the large from ebay express.
a reminder of leanne rostron's tableware designs available from her company 'freckle designs'. all hand cast in stoke-on-trent they pay great attention to details, for example having patterns on the back of the items too.
also from ebay express comes this hummingbird mug by sylvie fuller. sylvie trained at the LCP and worked for fulton umbrellas before going freelance last year. to see her work visit lillebulle for details.
i was so impressed when i saw nadia sparham'swebsite that i had post some images. nadia works with a range of design surfaces including textiles, ceramics and paper, creating beautifully handcrafted homewares.
i saw this on imedagoze's excellent blog, a new bird pattern from lotta glave (lovely prints here). lotta has set up business with her partner bengt lindberg. check their website : bengt & lotta ab for more information.
i walked unsuspectingly into paperchase on saturday and actually gasped with excitement when i saw the first pieces of the easter collection were now in. its a wonderful bright gingham story of bunnies, eggs, & chicks. and as usual its absolutely brilliant.
i was so pleased when i saw this window display at debenhams as its celebrates pattern. its fantastic to find that prints are so in fashion this season, and even more so to see it promoted so enthusiastically in this way.
mothers day at marks & spencer features flowers and butterflies on window displays, cards, and packaging. the lovely floral graphics (left) really say spring, and were a welcome sight when they went up in dreary early feb.