05 July 2024

JAPANESE - book design

Our Friday eye candy this week features a selection of Japanese book covers. I've put together florals, geometrics, repeats and whatever caught my eye.

RESOURCE - jumpstart your art licensing 2

'Jumpstart Your Art Licensing 2' is a downloadable PDF with 140 Resources to help designers get started in the art licensing business.
It is Part 2 to the original Jumpstart Your Art Licensing with brand new companies and resources.

- 103 Companies accepting art & design submissions
- Submissions page or email is provided for each company
- Companies are mostly US, UK and some European/Worldwide
- BONUS Guide of 37 resources - art agents, trend resources, a link to a free contract & websites to get your art featured.
- The companies accept a variety of different styles - traditional, modern, painterly, graphic, cute, etc.
- 20 pages, Instant Download so you can start contacting today!
- All information is up to date as of 2024

I've also updated the original Jumpstart Your Art Licensing so all links are up-to-date for 2024.
And both guides can be bought together with a 20% discount.


04 July 2024

JAPANESE - decole : fika

I thought we'd have a bit of fun today as I loved these little 'kitty' handkerchiefs. Created by Japanese company Decole the clever packaging makes them look like little ice cream cones. This gave me a good excuse to see what else was on sale at Decole and I've gathered together a few highlights below.