17 July 2006

great designs

ive been admiring the brilliant works of etsuko furuya. little is known to me about the artist as all the info is in japanese, but i know i love their textiles.
if anyone out there knows anymore about the designer, or if you can read japanese (theres a profile on the website) please, please let us know in the comments.


Anonymous said...

These are fantastic - amazing colours and I love the bird prints.

bowie style said...

i know theyre great arent they.
all we know is they are called etsuko furuya by echino.

i wish i knew a bit more about them.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bowie

I just came across your blog today and this post really caught my eye. I trained in print design so I really love what you're doing in your site. Unfortunately though, I don't know anything about the designer in question...it is gorgeous though. Hope you have more luck in finding out.

Anonymous said...

All I really know about Etsuko is their fabrics are sold at reprodepot: www.reprodepot.com
I just bought the "Balance" and "Flower" designs a few weeks ago and they are even more gorgeous in person that in photographs--really amazing rich color.
Great feature.

Anonymous said...

Some day I'll have to make a trip to Japan just for their brilliant textiles and design aesthetic. Thanks for sharing their other designs. I've only seen the ones at Reprodepot.

mintyfresh said...

I've been looking for more info on Etsuko for ages, but there isn't much to be found online, I don't think.

You can also buy them (in addition to reprodepot) from kallistiquilts.com, which is my local dealer for all sorts of japanese fabrics in Canada (hanamomen, lecien, hand-dyes, etc). I have a bunch of Etsuko's fabrics in my collection and they're not only beautiful, they're dreamy to work with. The only trouble is getting up the courage to actually cut into them....so hard!

Anonymous said...

I just tried to use Alta Vista's Babelfish to translate the website, but couldn't find much information.

However, it was humorous that in the text translation Echino's style is referred to as "beefsteak style"!


nakamachi said...

I'm interested in "echino"! Very "Kirei"!
I'm a Japanese and can't understand English very well.
I'm sorry it's funny tranlation.
I think you could get a bit information about "echino".

Etsuko Furuya

Gradueted Kyoto-Art-JuniorCollege.
She have got engaged in design for living space regarding textile focusing arround interior accessory, fashion and micellaneous daily goods.
Now, acting in freelance textile-desinger after she left design company.


"echino" have been announced by works using unique textiles since April 2006.
The theme of ehino is "Creating something I love and to be happy", and making works linked "color consious".

bowie style said...

huge thanks to nakamachi for telling us more about etsuko.
im really pleased with this post as it seems to have captured a lot of interest, and brought new pattern fans to the fold. thanks to everyone for reading and sharing their knowledge and tips.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing this. they sell some of these fabrics on repro depot, but i had no idea who designed them.

pinkbathtub said...


Anonymous said...

can't help you, but if you do find out anything, please blog it and let us know. very striking. great use of colour.

Johanna Masko said...

These prints are fantastic! I designed a quilt around these prints for kallistiquilts.com. You can view it on her website in the Gallery section for Japanese quilts. The quilt is made entirely of this collection, and with large pieces to show the large-scale prints. The weight of these fabrics would be well-suited to bags and home decor items. Kallisti Quilts is an excellent source for all sorts of wonderful Japanese fabrics that aren't available anywhere else (in Canada, at least.) Worth checking out!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! That's a good find! Please let us all know when you find more info on Etsuko Furuya.

paula said...

Yes I also love Etsuko Furuya. I got some of this lovely fabric at http://www.reprodepot.com/tuttifruitti.html
I wish I could be of any help but can't understand japanese either... I've already thought of learning just because of their wonderful crafts books :)
If I know more about this I will let you know.
cheers for the link and the post.


OMG! what a fantastic find, bowie!

peanut said...

If anyone is trying to Google more info, search under "Kokka Fabrics". They are a huge textile manufacturer in Osaka and they are the company bringing you the fabrics. They also have an Amy butler line.

Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

She has an english site it is www.f-echino.com. I am totally in love with all the prints. amazing.

Anonymous said...

oh wow!!! they are so gorgeous!! thanks for the link.

TheSeaWithin said...

I've been obsessed with these fabrics for about half a year. I buy them like crazy at my local independent fabric store....they are pricey but I just love the bags I make with them.

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Wow! I love these fabrics! It's funny, I'm currently living in Japan and haven't seen any of these on sale, I'm going to have to try to hunt them down.

Great blog by the way, I've just stumbled upon you tonight for the first time.

Sandra Monat said...

I´ve ordered some of the Echino fabrics yesterday after I saw the great pictures you´d posted. Thank you for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

I noticed tht noone seems to have posted a link to superbuzzy.

They have four pages of fabric ikn the echino collection:



Amy Strother said...

I have long been a fan of these fabrics, and I use them frequently. FYI- there are tons more available at purlsoho.com, which is a fantastic site for great fabric. I have been trying to find more info on this company for a long time, so if you find anything more out, please post it! I would love, love, love to be able to sell it.

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful fabrics! I bought one of Etsuko Furuya's bag patterns today and now must figure out how/where to translate the directions from Japanese (!). Any suggestions?