21 August 2006

new print book

regular readers will know that my favourite patttern designer is orla kiely, just one of the many great designers featured in 'print in fashion'. this fabulous book by marnie fogg features work & interviews with many of todays top print people : orla, neisha crosland, ann-louise roswald, eley kishimoto, paul smith, and tons more. it gives inside info on the process and inspiration for the designs. i bought it in waterstones for £17.99 and its worth every penny. i'd rate it 10 out of 10. plus its an absolute steal on amazon at the moment just £11.97 !. i cannot recommend this book highly enough. if you love print & pattern you must get this book !
above, the work of orla kiely- below ann-louise roswald
above and below, alexander henry fabrics.
above , 'countdown' by alexander henry, below two from eley kishimoto.
all images taken from 'print in fashion' by marnie fogg. ISBN07134 9012 8.


Anonymous said...

Yes you're right the book is fabulous I shall have to put it on my christmas list..I love the Alexander Henry fabrics..

Ms. Spinach said...

i love this book! and i don't even own it... yet.

that's about to change, as it's available on u.s. amazon for $16.47. here's the link, if that helps anyone else.

thanks! it looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that book - it looks amazing, I am going to go and order it now!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, that looks like a fascinating book...another one for my shopping list. I have so many books to buy :) Love the bird and flower print by alexander henry and of course Orla Kiely.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic looking book. Thank's for the heads up!

Style Court said...

Thanks for posting such a nice preview of the book's contents. Looks lovely :)

Dawn D. Sokol said...

Thanks for posting this...I just ordered it! Looks so cool!

My Happy Turtle said...

What a great book! I ordered a copy straight away and cannot wait for it to arrive! Thanks for posting all of those photos! I also happened to find a small pattern book from Japan that I purchased on my last trip to NYC and posted the images to my blog today.

paula said...

Oh! I wish...if only it wasn't so expensive to have it sent over here...*sigh* but thanks for sharing and let us have an insight into it.

haus maus said...

oh-la-lovein' it!

i just ordered it via the us amazon site for $16, so thank you for the isbn number. lovely book, i'm happy that you featured shots of the pages, that's what sealed the deal for me.

thank you for posting this. i love p+p, so i know i'll love this book!

you need your own book, bowie! seriously!


Heather Moore said...

Brilliant! I'ts the book I've been wishing for. I'm off to order it immediately.
Oh, and thanks for your comment on my site, Bowie. Thrilled that you paid me a visit.

Anonymous said...

Cool book, thanks for telling about it, also been dreaming about making patterns!

Anonymous said...

love that birdy

Anonymous said...

omg - on my wishlist - thank you!

pbcb la said...

Thanks so much, I'm definitely ordering this one!