just as a guide, the brief is to come up with designs in a modern pallet similar to that of orla kiely, snow & graham, and angela adams. (all print & pattern faves). they are scheduled to print the new designs on both fabrics and papers in December. this is a paying job, surface designers, illustrators, etc, who think they are suitable for rag and bone's needs are invited to submit designs. they are looking to expand their line beyond wedding and baby clients, which make up the bulk of our business currently. as jason says here they are looking to specially commission work; "There are of course many beautiful contemporary fabrics which we could purchase domestically which may be appropriate for our books, and this is something which we are still looking into. Our desire for our next batch of new cover options is to release a "collection" of six to eight cover options which work as individual pieces and as a group. Sourcing pre-printed fabrics may work, but we are most excited about manufacturing our own textiles and paper." click here for the website or email jason thompson for more info/submissions. jason@ragandbone.com. lets help rag and bone get their 'new look' with some great new designs. GOOD LUCK !

rag and bone also have their own blog - check here to find out more.
It is always worth having a look now isn't it! thanks
Every time I visit, I drool (in a virtual, non-icky way). Thanks for this wonderful collection!
wow...i was thrown for a second.. i thought you meant rag and bone, the clothing line.
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