18 March 2008

WALL ART - katymo

katy momeni is a recent graduate from the fashion institute of technology in new york, where she now works as a rug designer. but like so many of us she likes to create in her spare time too. a few days ago she opened her etsy shop with these two fantastic prints. great for framing and at a really great price they make for some really interesting wall art. see them here in the katymo etsy shop. P.S they'll be no print & pattern now until thursday - hence im posting super early today. im off to the bridgewater factory in stoke-on-trent. will hopefully have lots to report on the visit. see you on thursday 2oth.


orange you lucky! said...

These wallart prints are super cute! I love the colour combination on the top one!

Young People in Love said...

hooray for FIT! my mom graduated from there, top of her class, a few years ago.
This is a GREAT find, btw!

Anonymous said...

Katy! I look at print and pattern every day and was so happy to see your work on here! yay!

*diane (remember me? 1st floor naglar baby!)

david renó said...

rss your blog, please!


Anonymous said...

i agree, very cute designs.

there sure are a lot of owl fans featured on this blog.

JDayMinis said...

I just love checking out your blog to see what's new, so inspiring.
Cheers, Jean

loves rugs :) said...

Thanks everyone for all the great encouragement! And thank you once again Bowie for all the support and posting my work! I'm developing more designs that I will hopefully have up soon.

Take care and thanks again! :)


AshleyL. said...

oh! i can never get enough of your site! i hope you don't mind but i have tagged you for a challenge on my site. i am looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :)

Nicole said...

I love these!

It is so funny because I came across your site several months ago but as a non-blogger (THEN) I just felt inspired, bookmarked it and came back now and then to see the designs. Recently I, myself started to blog and realized yours was a blog. Silly silly novice me!

Well I have been coming to check it out and now I know about commenting et al. Fun fun. I love this new community and am awed my the talented people in the world.

Thank you!

© Shalom Schultz said...

I love to look at fantastic patterns! I will definitely be back to feast on more "eye candy".