30 July 2008

PARIS TRIP 08 - apache

its back to paris pictures again today and these were taken in a childrens shop called 'apache'. my favourite piece in the whole store was a mobile in a beautifully illustrated box. the ilustrations were by delphine chedru, who co-incidently wrote a book i had purchased in the louvre museum, and she had an exhibition in bon marche (see the next post). if you are in paris looking for childrens design then apache can be found in the 'forum des halles' shopping centre.


Kim Buchheit said...

what a fabulous collection of fun and charming things. thanks for the inspiration today!

Anonymous said...

OH MY!!!! Lucky me, #1 for finding your INCREDIBLE posts! And just before heading to Paris with my like-minded 3 year old daughter! Wish we could get one of each of the beauties you have showcased. Truly love them all. Well done - and MERCI!! Any chance you saw a child's sleeping bag or mini backpack? Those are on my list of near-practical splurges....

bowie style said...

there is an awesome kids suitcase in paperchase just now.
in the pet chopz range its super cute. let me know if you want me to send you a pic.