10 November 2008

ETSY SHOP - how about orange

the super talented jessica jones from 'how about orange' has re-opened her etsy shop, with some great use of her colourful patterns (we featured the fabrics here). my favourite print 'calliope' has been made into a bag (by jessica's mum) and there is a fantastic set of 8 patterned postcards for just $6.


Unknown said...

I love it love it love it... Jess is soo talented :) We can see where she inherited that creative gene from...
Thanks for sharing Bowie...

orange you lucky! said...

Love these fabrics! Super nice!
Off to check out her new etsy shop:)!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

love the colours too, makes me feel all happy :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous fabrics. Definitely going to have to check out her Etsy shop.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I've been looking for one of these wallpaper patterns since Anthropologie stopped selling it!