finally in my celebration of all things carolyn gavin - we can look forward to a great new fabric collection thanks to pb textiles. 'wild thyme' is scheduled to start shipping to quilt stores in january and will exhibited at the quilt market show, houston this october. pb are definitely a company to watch as they are working with some great artists at the moment behind the scenes. lots of great stuff is in the pipeline !
wow, I'm already a fan of her fabrics!
Where can I purchase this stuff! I absolutely adore Carolyn Gavin. Her illustrations are amazing!
this is a sneak preview - hopefully they'll be in shops and online stores in january 2010
Wow, when did P&B leave Old-Lady-Quilterville? These are very fresh and cute!
P&B are modernsing themselves and next year will release lots of trendy new ranges : )
Stunning! Can't wait for the release of Wild Thyme.
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