13 November 2009

CARDS - absolute zero degrees 'moo'

the second collection created by absolute zero degrees and published by the carte postale is called 'moo' a set of twelve farm and countyside themed cards. with a stylish colour palette and silhouette style illustrations each card is printed with vegetable inks on 100% recycled paper in the UK. 'moo' will be in the shops for 2010. for more info and stockist enquiries see here.


Anonymous said...

many thanks for featuring us - the cards are part of our Mini Moderns collection - Moo! is based on our best selling wallpaper and jamboree takes inspiration from other designs in the Mini Moderns range.
We can't wait for them to be on sale - The Carte Postale are an absolute pleasure to work with and their expertise made them incredibly helpful in the process. They also have collections by Atelier LTZ - whose cards you featured in the Festival hall shop report.

many thanks again

keith at Absolute Zero Degrees/Mini Moderns

Carolyn Gavin said...

Very nice, strong range of cards!

Emily said...

I absolutely love the Owl design...gorgeous