17 December 2009


for more individual cards sold by the designers themselves there can be no better website than etsy. a browse through its many shops will reveal christmas design that is highly individual, stylish, sometimes quirky and of course handmade. no art directors or clients will have been dictating the brief and the designers will have a free reign to create whatever they like. i've been saving up a few of my favourites to create this post starting with 'english robins' by foxy and winston (above) and below rudolph card by miss pickles press.
below two designs from up up creative. above, 'ding dong' card by gemma correll and below two letterpress designs from the dutch door press.
below nice typography and christmas trees from two trick pony.

below, a robin in ice skates from kate sutton
above the natural look from laurie coyle, and below a sketchy feel from emily ann designs.
who doesnt love a decorative font, especially at christmas, like this one above from lisa stubbs, and below print and make christmas creatures from mibo.
and finally a selection of cards from the wonderful etsy shop wonting.


Gemstone Jewelry said...

Seriously, love the prints on the card!! And the post id definitely lovely!! :)

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best Holiday card collections I've ever seen! They're all wonderful!

Kudos to Up Up Creative for making it in this feature :)