10 October 2011


Pink Light Design are seeking new artists. they are looking for some super talented artists! Upcoming shows for 2012 are: CHA in January, Surtex in May, The Licensing Expo in June.
Here is the criteria for applicants :

1/ You must submit 5 pieces of great work in jpeg format (no links or downloads please) that show a fun, bold, whimsical style that has a unique and fresh point of view. Please note that the jpegs you submit must be pieces that you are comfortable with creating on a regular basis. They embrace your style and flair and are indicative of who you are as an artist!

2/ You must be a self motivated, enthusiastic artist who believes in Pink Light's message. "Do what you love!" and "Let your light shine."

3/ Please send submissions and a short paragraph about yourself and your background WITHIN an email (again, NO attachments, word docs, or downloads) to: marybeth@pinklightdesign.com

1 comment:

nere said...

thank you for telling us!!! It's a good opportunity for those who are starting!! good luck for everyone!!