13 June 2008

PRINT & PATTERN - the book

today i have some really exciting news - print & pattern is going to be turned into a book. back in february i was approached by top publisher laurence king about the idea of turning the subjects of this blog into a book, i didnt want to go public until i had signed the contract but at last the deal is done. needless to say i will be looking for designers who would like to be in the book, i'll publish all the details up sometime next week. im just in the middle of sorting out an email, ftp site , and postal address for you to send to if you want to contribute. the aim of the book will be to celebrate the creativity in surface design and stationery today (often overlooked in the world of books). we'll hopefully feature patterns, cards, papergoods, scrapbooking, textiles, ceramics, badges, in fact anything with a great printed surface.
stay tuned next week for details on how to submit your work.
im thrilled to be working with laurence king, a fantastic publisher who have produced, amongst others, all the great books pictured above : wall paper, play pen, patterns, and badge button pin. in the usa the book will be distributed by chronicle books.


Anonymous said...

Wooooo Congratulations!!!! Well deserved! What a gorgeous book it's going to be - can't wait!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Wow! That's huge! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Wooooooow ! Congratulations ! it's a very good news but not really a surprise, I was sure this kind of adventure would happen to your blog :)

Karen Lewis Textiles said...

I love reading your blog - and now a book to go with it! Wow, congratulations!

Carolyn Gavin said...

this is a natural progression for such a brilliant blog! well done!

Anonymous said...


Clear Pink said...

That is a really big deal, and well deserved.

Amy C said...

congratulations, thats the best news, I cant wait to add it to my bookshelf.

Anonymous said...

yay! that's going to be the best pattern book ever!

Betz White said...

Congratulations! How wonderful!

bowie style said...

thanks guys - remember i wont be able to do it without your help, i need tons of talented designers too :)

Daniela Brum said...

GREAT!! You are a inspiration for many designers so well deserved indeed!! CONGRATULATIONS!.....I will buy ;)

Judit Gueth said...

That's amazing! Congratulations!

Brooke Williams said...

that is so exciting!! congratulations and i look forward to seeing what this becomes!

Anonymous said...

Huge congratulations! You're doing such a fantastic job of getting surface design recognised. I'm sure the book will be as inspiration as your blog continues to be. Thanks for all your hard work!

dianna said...

Congrats to you~how WoNdErFuL*!*

Susan said...

Congrats! That is brillant!!!

ellencrimitrent said...

Congrads Bowie!!! I would love to send in stuff for your book, I am wondering why they never asked you sooner!! This has always been my favorite blog for inspiration and new talent!!

I bet it is a best seller!!

lesbranquignoles said...

BRAVO ! Felicitation ! I am very exciting to see it !!!!

Hang Tight Studio said...

Fantastico! HUGE Congratulations are definitely in order! I'm so excited for you! I'll be waiting on pins & needles to hear more & to snatch up a copy when it gets released. Yeah for you & for all of out there who get to enjoy it!

Heather Moore said...

So exciting! It's funny, because I was just in a bookstore, looking at the Apartment Therapy book, loving how a blog can turn into a book, and now look, it's happened to you too! Congrats and have a great weekend.

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

That's such great news! Congratulations :)

Ana said...

That's wonderful! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Briiiliant! I can't wai to buy it. What a great idea. Congratulation!

PhatSheep Textiles said...

Congratulations, that is fantastic news, you must be very excited about this.
I look forward buying the published book :)

erika said...

congratulations, that is wunderfull news for you and for us, I'm sure it will be a great book with lots of inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - that fantastic news!!! I look forward to buying it when it comes out!! Your blog is one of my favorites so Im sure the book will be too:)

LinnieBell said...

how exciting!! i can't wait for more details!! congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations bowie, that is fantastic news, well done!

It's great when a good eye is recognized, I'm so pleased for you... and of course will buy it as soon as it is out!

kangaroo mama said...

wowww congrats!! I'm looking forward to hear more about it :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

congratulations to you. can't wait to see the book.

Lola-Mae Online said...

That is fantastic news, you must be thrilled!!

Go you!

Gemma-Lea xx

ja* said...

Congratulations! Cant wait to see it (and buy it)

Anonymous said...

What a fun project for you Bowie...since you are so good at recognizing great design and promoting designers, giving talent an international stage!
Thank you. I would love to be included in your book and will look forward to seeing more information about it!



carol eldridge

Anonymous said...

That's such fabulous news! I love reading your blog - it's one of the highlights of my day - and no doubt I will love reading your book too.

I look forward to hearing how we can get involved!

Well done again - this is such great news.


pve design said...

Wonderful and happy news, well deserved!
Love to be a part! I live for pattern, design and creating an artful life!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, That is so exciting!

Inklore said...

I'm looking forward to the book...how exciting!

Unknown said...

Awesome congrats! I will definitely be buying a copy of this and also will be submitting my work as well. Can't wait for the details!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That’s awesome news! I would love to send in some work for your book. Your blog is one of my favorites so I’m sure the book will be too.

Unknown said...

Yay! How exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Your great blog can't become nothing but a great book as well. And I would really love to be in that book :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You have such a great eye and I love to look at your blog. (was made doubly happy that you featured flight of the conchords and a recommendation for eagle vs shark - my favourites!). I'd also love to submit some work for this but in the meantime well done!

S' said...

Amazing!!! I see your blog every morning, I love it!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news for you. Warm congratulations. I read your blog every week but this is my first comment. I find your postings so inspirational. the beautiful, creative, quirky and elegant images really lift my mood every time I read your blog. Thank you for your artistic eye, your enthusiasm, energy and commitment.

Mariana Massarani said...


please sir said...

WOW - that is great news! I'm excited for you and to see the book!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!! oh my goodness, that is such incredible news! I can't wait to see it (and submit work to it!!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations !
So exciting for You, for Designers & for Readers !
I visit your blog every day & i've to admit that i'm addict !

Patty Young said...

AMAZING NEWS! Congratulations! Can't wait to see it!

Fabio Bucciardini said...

Can't wait! t's many time I'm readinh your blog almost everyday. This is a big deserved very good thing for you. BRAVA!!!

patricia zapata said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait to see it!

Prêt à Voyager said...



Leslie said...

fabulous...well done. Very well deserved. I will be one of the first of the ranks to buy that book.


Leslie x

Amy Schimler-Safford said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

how fantastic! so excited for you! :)

Amy Schimler-Safford said...

Congratulations Bowie, that is such exciting news. It will be a huge hit!

Y-Fighter said...

Excellent news. I can't wiat to see it in the shops.

Quyen said...

This is fabulous news, been looking at this blog for ages and look forward to seeing the best or the best in book form!

London Mummy said...

Fantastic, well done you and highly deserved - add me to the list of people who will definitely buy a copy when it is released :)

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Very exciting! Congratulations, Bowie!!! I can't wait to buy a copy of the book when it's distributed by Chronicle (!) in the U.S. :) Yay!