13 June 2008

NEW COLLECTION - clinton cards

if like me you're in the uk, chances are you live near a branch of clinton cards, after all they do have over 700 stores !. like me you also may have thought they wouldnt stock cards that suit your design aesthetic ?. well that may have just changed with the launch of clintons 'a la mode' a brand new collection of cards that reflect all manner of print trends. you can see influences from the likes petra boase and paperchase, and styles include fabric, embroidery, flocking, laser cutting, japanese, and hand drawn type. all in all its a fabulous collection that is well worth checking out.


Gillian Mowbray said...

Once again, I'm struck by how the card manufacturers are now replicating hand-made cards. It used to be the other way around - how things have changed!

Congrats on your forthcoming book. x

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Clinton have really done an about turn with these. In fact I would dare to say that I love them far more than recent offerings I've seen in Next and M&S and would have assumed these were a new Paperchase range had I not read on!
They're right on trend with the quirky but not spooky owls, the stylised kitty cat and the little fabric banner is so now... Sometimes I think it's a shame I don't have to card shop any more, but window shopping can be equally rewarding! LOL

Leo said...

It's really annoying I think, to mass market 'handmade' looking cards, kind of defeats the object :-(

Jane Gallagher / Hostler said...

they had to do something, i gave up going in there a long time ago.
I'm loving all the print presses I'm finding on Etsy at the mo though.