28 September 2011

BOOK - today's top stationery artists 2

if you were one of the many people who enjoyed the 2008 book 'today's top stationery artists' you'll be pleased to know that tori higa and schiffer books are back with volume 2. it features another great selection of cards by 52 designers such as carolyn gavin, sukie, dude & chick, dutch door press, night owl paper goods, and the rifle paper co. another great feature of the new book are several fascinating interviews and in some cases snaps of their design studios too. you can find "today's top stationery artists 2" here on amazon uk or on amazon usa or ask for ISBN 978-0-7643-3737-6 in your local bookstore.


Littletree Designs // Rebecca said...

This looks like such an amazing book! Little bit of a shame that the cover isn't slightly more interesting I might pass by it in a bookshop, but then I totally judge books by their cover!x

orange you lucky! said...

Lots of favourites here:)